
Meningioma Treatment

Leading-Edge Meningioma Surgical Techniques at IBS Hospital

IBS Hospital offers cutting-edge meningioma surgery, performed by experienced neurosurgeons. Our approach focuses on meticulous tumor removal while prioritizing patient safety and recovery, ensuring a high standard of care.

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What is Meningioma?

A Meningioma is a tumor that develops in the central nervous system, originating from the membranes covering the brain or spinal cord. These tumors are very common and generally non-malignant. Sometimes referred to as meningeal tumors, meningiomas can compress surrounding brain structures as they grow, disrupting normal function and leading to various complications and disabilities. However, meningiomas typically grow very slowly, and symptoms may take years to appear. They are more likely to occur in females and can affect people of any age group.

What are the symptoms of Meningioma?

The symptoms of Meningioma develop gradually as the tumor grows. Initially, these symptoms may not be evident and only become noticeable when the Tumor compresses vital Brain structures.

The most common symptoms to be aware of include:

  • Abnormalities in vision
  • Frequent headaches, often worsening in the morning
  • Loss of hearing and smell
  • Memory impairment or difficulty recalling things
  • Seizures
  • Weakness or numbness in the arms and legs
  • Speech and language difficulties.
What are the causes of Meningioma?

While the specific cause of Meningiomas can’t be pinpointed, they are thought to be caused by genetic mutations in the cells of the meninges. These mutations lead to uncontrolled cell division, eventually forming a tumor.

Factors linked to an increased incidence of such mutations include:

  • Inherited genetic abnormalities
  • Hormonal disturbances (most commonly in women)
  • Exposure to harmful radiation
  • Having Neurofibromatosis 2, an inherited disorder of the nervous system
How is Meningioma diagnosed?

Since Meningiomas grow slowly, early diagnosis can be challenging.

If your doctor suspects a Meningioma, they may perform the following tests to confirm the diagnosis:

  • CT scan (Computerized Tomography)
  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
How is Meningioma treated at IBS Hospital?

The treatment approach for meningiomas depends on various factors, including the tumor’s size, location, aggressiveness, growth rate, and grade. If the tumor is small and doesn’t require immediate intervention, doctors may opt for observation.

For larger, riskier tumors, the following treatments may be recommended:

Surgery: This involves advanced invasive techniques aiming to completely remove the tumor while preserving surrounding structures. If the tumor is malignant, surgery may be followed by radiation therapy to reduce recurrence risk.

Radiation Therapy: This is an option when surgical removal isn’t feasible. It’s also used post-surgery for malignant tumors to eliminate any remaining cancer cells. Treatment options include Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS), Fractionated Stereotactic

Radiotherapy (SRT), Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), and Proton Beam Radiation.


Our team of experts that make it possible

Meet the team of highly specialised and experienced neurosurgeons, neurologists, orthopedicians, and other experts in the field of neurology and spine care. Our team is dedicated to providing personalised and compassionate care to each patient, with the goal of helping them achieve the best possible outcomes.


IBS Hospital Empowers Your Treatment with Cutting-edge Technology

We continuously incorporate cutting-edge technologies from around the world into our offerings, such as a surgical system that allows for precise and confident complex procedures. We use magnetic stimulation to treat certain neurological conditions and create personalised brain maps for tailored treatment plans. Nerve monitoring during surgeries ensures the nervous system is not compromised, and a robotic exoskeleton aids in mobility issues. Our goal at IBS Hospital is to provide the best care possible, utilising the latest and most innovative technologies available.

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