
Shoulder Arthroscopy

Empathy and Excellence: Shoulder Arthroscopy Care at IBS Hospital

Explore a world of improved shoulder mobility at IBS Hospital through cuttingedge shoulder arthroscopy. Our dedicated specialists combine innovation and empathy to provide personalized solutions that enhance your shoulder health. Rediscover the joy of
unrestricted movement and comfort, exclusively at IBS Hospital.

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What is Shoulder Arthroscopy and how is it employed to diagnose, assess, and treat various shoulder issues?

Shoulder Arthroscopy is an advanced method that helps doctors diagnose, assess, and treat shoulder issues using a small camera called an arthroscope. This camera allows them to look inside the shoulder without making big cuts. This technique is less invasive and can be better than traditional shoulder surgeries.

For which shoulder-related conditions is Shoulder Arthroscopy a viable treatment option?

Shoulder Arthroscopy is a technique used to address various shoulder problems with minimal invasiveness. Here are some conditions it can help with:

  • Torn/damaged rotator cuff: The group of muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder joint can tear due to injury or overuse.
  • Ligament Tear: Ligaments connect bones and may tear, causing instability and pain.
  • Damaged Labrum: The labrum is a ring of cartilage that surrounds the shoulder socketand can get damaged, leading to discomfort.
  • Tissue Inflammation: Inflammation of tissues in the shoulder can cause pain and restricted movement.
  • Loose Cartilage: Loose bits of cartilage can cause discomfort and hinder smooth shoulder movement.
  • Recurrent Shoulder Dislocation: The shoulder joint can dislocate repeatedly, causing instability and pain.
What are the key advantages of Shoulder Arthroscopy?

Shoulder Arthroscopy offers several significant benefits, including:

  • Reduced Risks of Infections and Clotting: The minimally invasive nature of arthroscopy involves smaller incisions, which can lower the risk of infections and blood clot formation compared to traditional open surgeries.
  • Swift Recovery: The less invasive approach of arthroscopy usually leads to quicker healing and less tissue trauma, allowing patients to regain their shoulder function faster.
  • Minimal Scarring: Smaller incisions mean smaller scars, resulting in better cosmetic outcomes and less noticeable scars on the shoulder.
  • Significantly Shorter hospital stay: Since arthroscopy requires smaller incisions and is less invasive, patients may need to stay in the hospital for a shorter duration compared to more extensive surgeries.
  • Reduced Stress and Postoperative Pain: The minimally invasive technique typically results in less postoperative discomfort and pain, contributing to a more comfortable recovery experience for patients.
What can I foresee if I require Shoulder Arthroscopy?

Pre-Surgery Preparations:

  •  Comprehensive tests and evaluations will be conducted to aid doctors in formulating themost suitable treatment plan.
  •  Patients will receive detailed information about the upcoming procedure and what they can expect.
  •  If the patient has been taking any medication, it’s crucial to inform the doctor about all of them, as adjustments in dosage or cessation might be necessary.

On the Day of Surgery:

  •  Upon arriving at the hospital, patients will be introduced to their surgical team, and a dedicated nurse will be available to guide and assist them.
  •  The surgical procedure will be performed under the influence of local, regional, or general anaesthesia, ensuring patient comfort.
  •  Typically, the arthroscopic procedure takes less than an hour to complete.

Recuperation in the Hospital:

  • Post-operative care and vigilant observation play a critical role in facilitating the patient’s recovery.
  • Discomfort and pain are natural aspects of healing, which can be managed effectively by adhering to prescribed pain medication.
  • Patients are usually discharged on the same day of the procedure, although some cases might require an overnight stay.

Recuperation at Home:

  •  Patients will receive comprehensive guidance from their doctors regarding medication, wound care, and suitable levels of daily activity.
  •  Scheduled follow-up appointments are mandatory to assess the progress of recovery and ensure optimal heali.

Follow-up Care:

  •  Regular follow-up appointments are necessary to enable the doctor to closely monitor the patient’s prognosis and overall  recovery trajectory. This proactive approach ensures any potential issues are addressed promptly.

IBS Hospital Empowers Your Treatment with Cutting-edge Technology

We continuously incorporate cutting-edge technologies from around the world into our offerings, such as a surgical system that allows for precise and confident complex procedures. We use magnetic stimulation to treat certain neurological conditions and create personalised brain maps for tailored treatment plans. Nerve monitoring during surgeries ensures the nervous system is not compromised, and a robotic exoskeleton aids in mobility issues. Our goal at IBS Hospital is to provide the best care possible, utilising the latest and most innovative technologies available.

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