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21, November 2023

Did your Pain Management Specialist tell you this?

Leading pain management specialists suggest that chronic pain can affect your life in so many ways, giving rise to challenges that hold you back from indulging in routine activities. It refers to any persistent pain that continues for at least three to six months and may be constant or occasional. Chronic pain can be triggered by a variety of underlying medical conditions and can sometimes continue past the normal recovery period of the same. 

As per the experts from the best pain management centre in Delhi, it is not just the pain that one has to worry about, as, in some cases, one may also experience additional symptoms like reduced mobility, stiffness, exhaustion, discomfort and sleep-related difficulties, that are to be managed as well. Not only this, chronic pain can also affect one’s psychological well-being, leading to anxiety and irritability. Fortunately, chronic pain can be managed with proper care and guidance offered by pain management specialists. In this blog post, we have enlisted a few tips that you may find useful. 

1. Go for proper evaluation assessment and evaluation:

The first and most crucial step of effective pain management is to understand the underlying cause of the pain and its intensity. This is possible only with proper evaluation and assessment. All you need to do is consult a specialist, who will carry out a thorough assessment, that includes asking questions related to pain description, onset & progression, physical & neurological examinations, medical history evaluation and certain imaging tests like X-rays & CT scans. These help the doctors to get a better understanding of what you are going through and curate a personalized treatment plan that yields the best results for you. 

2. Set goals, but keep them Realistic:

It is pertinent to understand that you cannot just get rid of your pain in one go and it is very important to set realistic goals, to make sure that you stay motivated throughout your progress. This will help you understand how much improvement you should be expecting in a particular time frame, which in turn, brings down the chances of being overwhelmed unnecessarily. Pain management specialists in Delhi can help you with this. 

3. Don’t limit your options:

We often feel that if a treatment works for someone else, it might work for us as well, however, this is not the case. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for managing pain and every patient needs an individualized approach, that addresses their specific condition. Experts from the pain management centre in Delhi employ world-class techniques and adhere to the use of the most innovative technology to devise personalized treatment plans for every patient. These include medication, surgery, physiotherapy, lifestyle modifications and alternative therapies. 

4. Be transparent when it comes to communication:

Do you know what is one of the most important things that can help pain management specialists treat you better? It’s open and transparent communication. It is important to keep them in the loop by providing detailed and proper information about your medical history and pain experience, like when it started, where exactly you are experiencing it and if there are any triggers. All this information plays a pivotal role in planning the right treatment and care for you. Open communication is also important during follow-ups as this will help your doctors keep track of your prognosis and understand if any adjustments are needed in your treatment. 

Effective pain management can help you lead a better life, with minimal to no restrictions. These tips, by expert pain management specialists, will make the journey easier for you and pave the way towards a pain-free life. 

Dr Aaksha Shukla By -Dr Aaksha Shukla | November 21, 2023 | 9 Min Read

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