Migraine Treatment in Delhi: IBS Hospital | Manage Headaches
A migraine is much more than a severe pain in the head.It can induce severe, throbbing, one-sided headaches that can keep you in bed for days. Movement, lights, sounds, and other stimuli might induce symptoms such as weariness, nausea, visual defects, irritation, and others. A healthcare specialist can assist you in managing your migraine symptoms so that they do not take over your life. Migraine headaches typically last at least four hours, but they might last for days. The headache worsens with-
- Physical exertion
- Bright lights
- Loud noises
- Strong smells
Migraines are disruptive. They can disturb your daily routine but some medicines can help you manage migraine.This blog explores some aspects of migraine treatment in Delhi. We'll look at several treatment options, including medication and lifestyle changes, as well as specialist consultations, to help you manage your migraines.
Types Of Migraines
There are numerous forms of migraines. The most common types are:
- Migraine with aura (classic migraine)
- Migraines without aura (common migraine)
An aura is the phase of a migraine that occurs before the headache begins.
Other types of migraines include
- Migraines in children (abdominal migraine)
- Chronic Migraines
- Hemiplegic migraine
- Menstrual migraines
- Migraine without headache (silent migraine)
- Ocular migraine (retinal migraine)
- Status migrainosus
A migraine's symptoms occur in four phases. The most noticeable is a headache attack.
Phases of Migraine
A migraine has four phases, or stages:
- Prodrome: The initial phase can last up to 24 hours before you have a headache.
- Aura: It is a set of sensory, motor, and/or linguistic features that serves as a warning sign for a migraine headache. The aura phase may last up to 60 minutes or as few as five. You may experience both the aura and the headache together.
- Headache: A migraine headache may last for four to 72 hours.
- Postdrome:The symptoms are similar to those of an alcohol-induced hangover, hence the postdrome phase is known as a migraine hangover.
It can take between eight and 72 hours to complete the four stages.
Migraine symptoms vary according to the stage. Each migraine is unique, and you may not experience symptoms at all four stages.
Prodrome Symptoms
- Mood changes
- Concentration troubles
- Trouble sleeping
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Increased hunger and thirst
- Frequent urination
Aura Symptoms
- Muscle weakness.
- Vision changes
- Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears
- Sensitivity to touch (the feeling of someone touching you)
- Numbness and tingling
- Difficulties speaking or concentrating
Headache Attack Symptoms
Headache worsens with time. It may affect either side of your head. Additional signs and symptoms could exist, like
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Light, sound, and odor sensitivity.
Postdrome Symptoms
- Fatigue
- Stiff neck
- Sensitivity to light and sound
- Concentrating is difficult
- Nausea
- Dizziness
Researchers are unclear of the specific cause of migraines, but studies suggest genetics have a role.When you get a headache, certain nerves in your blood vessels transmit pain signals to your brain. This causes inflammation in your nerves and blood vessels of the head and the reason for it is still unknown.
Triggers For Migraine
A trigger is anything that causes symptoms to appear.Some of the most common migraine triggers are:
- Stress
- Hormonal changes
- Some medications
- Changes in your sleep schedule
- Change in weather conditions
- Excessive physical activity (exertion)
- Caffeine and tobacco (substances that are addictive)
- Missing a meal
- Exposure to strong smells, loud noises, or bright lighting
Your healthcare practitioner can help you determine your triggers. They may want to start a migraine notebook to track the similarities between attacks.
What Foods Trigger Migraine?
Certain chemicals and preservatives contained in meals may cause sensitivity in your body. This sensitivity raises the risk of experiencing a migraine, especially when combined with other triggers.
A few of the most common dietary triggers are:
- Aged cheese
- Beverages with alcohol
- Chocolate
- Food additives include nitrates and MSG
- Processed or cured meals
- Fermented or pickled food
Risk Factors For Migraine:
Migraine may affect anyone irrespective of age, from children to adults. Women are more prone than men to suffer from migraine.Other risk factors include:
- A family history of migraines
- Underlying medical conditions include depression, anxiety, sleep difficulties, and epilepsy
- Regular use of tobacco products
Diagnosis And Tests
A migraine will be diagnosed by a medical professional after a physical and neurological evaluation.They'll also ask about your medical history and biological family's health history. Your healthcare practitioner might inquire about the following in order to better understand your symptoms:
- What symptoms are you experiencing?
- Can you explain how it feels and the location of your headache?
- How serious are your symptoms?
- How long have your symptoms lasted?
- Was there anything that made your headache better or worse?
Your doctor may also prescribe some blood tests and imaging tests (such a CT scan or an MRI) to rule out any other causes of your headache. An electroencephalogram (EEG) can help your doctor rule out other possible conditions.
Treatment Options for Migraine in Delhi
There is no cure for migraines. However, a healthcare professional can help you control migraine symptoms in the following ways:
- Taking medicine
- Preventing migraine causes
- Using alternate migraine treatments
A healthcare provider may recommend migraine medication. There are two sorts of drugs available.
Medications to treat migraines: These medications can be taken as soon as a migraine begins. They relieve or eliminate migraine symptoms such as headache, nausea, sensitivity, and more.
Medications to prevent migraines: If you have severe symptoms that interfere with your daily routine or suffer from regular migraines, your doctor will usually prescribe preventive drugs. These medications reduce the number and severity of your migraine.These drugs can be taken as prescribed, usually daily.
Your healthcare practitioner will advise you on the most suitable drug, and medication combination, and how to manage your symptoms. All drugs should be used under the guidance of a headache specialist or provider.
Over-the-counter medications
If you suffer from mild to moderate migraine discomfort, over-the-counter migraine drugs can help.
Overuse may result in analgesic-rebound headaches or a dependency problem. If you take over-the-counter pain relievers more than twice or three times a week, inform your doctor. They may recommend more effective prescription drugs.
Avoiding Triggers
A healthcare provider can assist you in determining what causes your migraines. They might want you to keep a migraine record or diary. Once you've identified a trigger, you can take action to avoid it. This is not always possible, but being aware of your triggers can help you detect and treat migraines as they start.
Alternative Migraine Treatment Methods in Delhi
You might wish to try other methods that can help you manage your migraines. This includes:
- Taking vitamins, minerals, or herbs
- Relaxation practices such as yoga
- Acupuncture
- Biofeedback
- Botulinum toxin A injections (Botox®)
Don't start any alternative treatment methods without consulting your doctor.
Why Choose IBS Hospital ?
IBS Hospital is one of the best migraine treatment centers in Delhi. We offer exceptional patient care and hospital experience for migraine treatment in Delhi. We offer top-tier specialists and cutting-edge technology all under one roof, ensuring that patients receive the best possible treatment.
Experienced team: We have highly skilled healthcare professionals with over two decades of experience.
Clinical Excellence: We have proven experience addressing even the most complex cases with accuracy and precision.
Advanced Technology: We use cutting-edge technology to diagnose and treat cases using unusual approaches.
Customized care: We at IBS Hospital deliver exceptional healthcare to each patient based on their specific requirements to ensure tailored treatment.
Infection Control: To avoid complications, we adhere to strict measures to prevent infections.
You cannot prevent all migraines. However, you can take preventive migraine drugs as prescribed by your doctor to reduce the frequency and severity of your migraine symptoms. You can additionally find your triggers and work with a medical professional to avoid them.
Migraines are different for each person. They’re temporary but recurring throughout your life. There’s also no available cure.Your doctor can assist you in managing migraines so that the episodes do not last long, go away quickly, and are less severe. It may take some time to identify the perfect treatment option for you. Let your healthcare provider know if your symptoms improve or get worse.
Q1: What do migraines feel like?
A: Migraine headache pain can feel like throbbing, pulsing, pounding, or dull pain. A migraine can feel different to each individual. Migraine headaches can range from moderate to severe. Headache can start on one side and spread to the opposite side. You may also experience pain in your eyes or temples, as well as your face, sinuses, jaw, or neck.
Q2: How often do migraines happen?
A: Everybody experiences migraines differently.You may get one migraine every year or one every week.You can get a migraine once a year or every week.On average, most people have two to four every month. They're most common in the morning. Most migraines are unpredictable, although you may sometimes predict when they will come, such as before menstruation or after being stressed out.
Q3: Is migraine hereditary?
A: Yes, migraines often run in families. Up to 80% of those with migraines have a first-degree biological family with the condition.
Q4: How do I deal with migraines as they occur?
A: There are certain things you may do to help you feel better when you have a migraine episode, including:
- Resting in a dimly lit, silent, and cold surroundings
- Apply a cool or warm compress or washcloth to your forehead or the back of your neck
- Massage your scalp
- Apply pressure to your temples in a circular manner.
- Keeping yourself calm (by meditation)
By -Dr Aaksha Shukla |
March 29, 2024 | 9 Min Read
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