Tips On How To Manage And Prevent Frequent Headaches
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28, August 2024

Tips On How To Manage And Prevent Frequent Headaches

Headache can be recurrent and chronic, influencing negatively the quality of one's life and health. The worst that one can have are tension headaches, migraines, and cluster headaches, thus reviewing causes and the best approach to managing them. Headaches can be mild, moderate, or severe, and can occur in different parts of the head. Some people have frequent headaches, while others have them less often.In this blog, we will look at the causes, make changes, and tips that can help prevent getting headaches frequently. 

Identifying The Trigger Factors 

To start the treatment of frequent headaches, one should be well-versed in the actual cause of headaches or factors that may worsen the headache. Triggers are variable from one person to another; thus, one has to list the symptoms and behavior so as to find what might be causing my headaches.

Keep a headache diary:

It is important to maintain a headache diary because it assists you in noticing regularities as well as the cause of your headaches.

Make a note in your diary of how the headache commenced, the time, date, duration, severity, and additional accompanying symptoms. Record all the related information against such a trigger, such as the foods taken, amount of stress undergone, quality of sleep taken, weather conditions prevailing at that time, and any medication being administered. Over time, this diary will help to highlight some of the things you do that you should avoid or at least be aware of to develop ways to cope with. 

Common Triggers

Some of the most commonly cited triggers include:


Many foods and beverages cause headaches in most people. Some common ones are processed foods, caffeine-containing products, alcohol, and food additives such as MSG or nitrates used in processing meat products. Even skipping your meals or overexerting yourself with a drop in water intake causes a headache.

Environmental Factors

This list of environmental factors can include hormonal imbalances as in the case of stress or just before a woman's menstrual cycle; bright lights; loud noises; strong smells like perfume or smoke; changes in weather.

Lifestyle Factors 

On the list of the other causes of headaches include hormonal imbalances, constipation, depression, stress, lack of sleep, and even improper sitting positions. All of these areas of your life are some of the aspects that, if well managed, can be based on decreasing the intensity and frequency of your headache.


Certain medications may have headache as a side effect either directly or through conditions for which a patient has been prescribed the medication; it is always wise to consult your doctor in case you develop a new headache, or your headache takes a turn for the worse; this is even more so if these changes occur when you begin a new medication.

Tips To Manage Frequent Headaches

Tips To Manage Frequent Headaches

Changing one's lifestyle could be among the best ways one can use for controlling or preventing frequent headache attacks. Living a healthier lifestyle reduces the possibility of stimulating headache attacks, thereby improving the general quality of their lifetime.

Stress Management 

Chronic stress, especially tension headaches, is the main cause of chronic headaches.Regularly practice stress management techniques that will assist you in reducing the rate of occurrence of the headaches, as well as their severity. You can apply deep breathing exercises, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and yoga to calm your mind and reduce the stress in your body. Schedule time to engage in hobbies, social activities, and self-care to facilitate the alleviation of stress.

Adequate Sleep 

Enough sleep is the key to good health. Try to get 7-9 hours of good, restful sleep each night. Getting into a sleep routine with the same bedtime and wake time, seven days per week, are important. By doing so, your body's internal rhythms will be regulated to feel more awake during the day. 

Regular Physical activity 

Regular physical activity can relieve tension, enhance blood flow to the brain, and benefit your health in many ways, thus reducing headaches. try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on most days of the week. vigorous walking, swimming, bike riding, or even yoga, especially can reduce symptoms of headaches. Also, don't push yourself through an ardent exercise program. Very vigorous activities can sometimes bring on headaches.

Balanced Diet

If he eats a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, the best chance his body has in keeping him healthy and headache-free is if he consumes a good amount of lean protein and healthy fats. Another very important factor is to avoid known food triggers and to stay  hydrated all day long.

Minimize Caffeine And Alcohol Intake

While a little caffeine sometimes can help a headache, excessive caffeine likely leads to rebound headaches or can make a headache one already has worse. Like caffeine, alcohol, in particular red wine, is a trigger for some people. 

Stay hydrated

Dehydration is one of the most common invisible causes of headaches. Adequate water intake during the day will help prevent headaches due to dehydration. Carry a water bottle on you throughout the day, and sip on it often, especially when exercising or when it's very hot outside.

Over-the-Counter Medications

Many find alleviation from occasional headaches by taking nonprescription medications, yet one has to learn to use it properly and know the side effects that come along with  it.

Nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs are the first‐line medical approach used under prescription in the treatment of a headache.Overconsumption of these medications has a rebound effect, which can lead to more headaches. Therefore, they should be taken minimally and when it is necessary under a provider's recommendation.Some OTC analgesics are a combination of analgesics with caffeine.But like all administrations of caffeine, it should not be overdone since it also causes rebound headaches.

When To Visit The Doctor?

Most headaches can be prevented or relieved by changes in a person's lifestyle and by the use of available over-the-counter medicines, but there comes a time when one needs a doctor to get treatment for headaches.

Severe Or Frequent Headaches

If the headaches are incapacitating, persistent, or accompanied by visual disturbances, tingling, or numbness, then you may need to see a doctor. These can be indicative of some other serious underlying disorder that warrants a doctor's attention.

Not Responsive To Treatment

If these headaches don't go away with the help of over-the-counter medications and changes in your diet, or they become more severe or frequent with time, then see the doctor.

It is prudent that you see a doctor so that a check-up can be done, and the doctor advises on any treatment that needs to be done in cases that are serious; this could be through the prescription of some drugs or through referring the customer to a specialist. 

New Or Severe Headaches

Every new headache or change in type or characteristics needs to be promptly reported to a healthcare professional, more so if following a head injury or moving hand in hand with confusion, difficulty in speaking, or even loss of consciousness.


Headaches are a problem that is relatively common in the world, a great number of difficulties in a person's life, though they can be easily dealt with.

If a person knows what causes his head to ache and eliminates such a cause, changes one's way of life, and takes medications as recommended, then one can avoid constant headaches. Always just keep in mind that an ailment seems different to everybody, and so is the treatment, therefore it may be some time before you get the most ideal remedy for you. Again, it is important that you seek help from a doctor if you have such headaches or if they get worse and get headache treated. 

Dr Aaksha Shukla By -Dr Aaksha Shukla | August 28, 2024 | 9 Min Read

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