Understanding Different Types of Brain Cancer
The term brain cancer is used to describe any malignancy that originates or develops within the brain. The progressive and potentially debilitating condition is marked by the replacement of healthy brain cells with cancerous cells, which develop as a result of certain abnormal genetic mutations. These cells bind together, resulting in the formation of a mass, commonly referred to as a tumor. Brain cancer interferes with the normal functioning of the brain, giving rise to serious, and even life-threatening complications. The leading brain cancer doctors however suggest that early diagnosis and treatment can prove to be a cornerstone in the effective management of brain cancer.
The treatment of brain cancer varies depending on various factors, including its type. There are several different types of brain cancers which may manifest in different ways. In this blog, we have elaborated on some of these, with the help of experts specializing in brain cancer treatment in Delhi.
Glioblastoma Multiforme -
It is one of the most common and highly aggressive brain tumor that originates from a specific type of brain cells, i.e. the astrocytes. These can affect anyone, irrespective of age and gender, however, the incidence is higher in elderly men. Accounting for nearly 47.7 per cent of all the tumors that develop within the central nervous system, these tend to grow at a very fast pace. As per the best brain cancer doctors, Glioblastoma Multiforme usually invades the surrounding tissues and does not metastasize to distant parts of the body. The patient is likely to present with symptoms like persistent headaches, reduced appetite, seizures, blurred vision and problems with speech.
Medulloblastoma -
It is the most common type of malignant brain tumors in kids, which primarily originates within the cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls vital body functions like balance, posture, motor learning, vision and movement. Medulloblastoma accounts for around 20 per cent of all the brain tumors affecting kids. The cancerous cells can enter the cerebrospinal fluid flowing through the brain and spread to other parts of the brain. Patients may not initially experience any noticeable symptoms and these generally tend to develop as the tumor grows in size, putting an increased pressure on the surrounding structures of the brain. Common symptoms include nausea, double vision, unsteady walking, fatigue and poor coordination.
Anaplastic Astrocytoma -
As the name suggests, this rare tumor originates from the astrocytes, the star-shaped cells that are responsible for stabilizing the blood-brain barrier and regulating the formation of synapses. These are also referred to as Malignant Gliomas or Grade III Gliomas due to their aggressive nature. These tend to grow fast and are usually diagnosed in patients lying in the age group of 30 to 50 years, with men being more susceptible. Anaplastic astrocytomas account for almost 4 per cent of all brain tumors. It can trigger symptoms like weakness, numbness and seizures in limbs that are controlled by the affected part of the brain.
Oligodendrogliomas -
The primary tumor can develop in any part of the central nervous system but usually originates within the white matter and the cortex. In rare cases, the cancerous cells can enter the cerebrospinal fluid and spread throughout the CNS. These, however, do not metastasize to distant areas. Oligodendrogliomas are most commonly seen in adults, although these can affect children too. These are characterized by symptoms like seizures, severe headaches, numbness and weakness in the part of the body controlled by the affected area of the brain.
To know more about these tumors and various treatment options available for the same, consult the experts specializing in brain cancer treatment in Delhi at India’s best brain cancer treatment hospital, IBS Hospital.
By -Dr Aaksha Shukla | September 25, 2023 | 9 Min Read
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